Waka Church (1915-)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 27, 1915 page 769 Vol. 564 No. 48 Wawaka. – Bro. John Pitzer, of Cordell, Okla., came to us on Monday, Nov. 8, for the purpose of organizing a church at this place. He preached two very good sermons Monday and Tuesday nights. On Wednesday afternoon the members met and organized. Thirteen members were present. A few other members could not be with us because of the great distance. Bro. John Stump, of Miami, Tex., was also with us. Bro. E. J. Smith, of Woodward, Okla., was chosen as our elder. A committee was appointed to have a minister locate with us. Bro. Morris expects to be with us early in the spring to hold a revival. We are only few in number and some of our members live at so great a distance from here, that it will be impossible for them to meet with us often, but we hope we may do some good here and that others may unite with us. – Maud Stump, Wawaka, Tex., Nov. 16.