Portland Church (Bayview) (1911-23?)
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 4, 1911 page 77 Portland, Texas. We, the little band of brethren and sister (sixteen in number, with twelve charter members) met in the home of Bro. L. J. Porter to organize ourselves into a Christian working body. Eld. J. A. Miller, of Manvel, Texas, who is the traveling evangelist for the District of Texas and Louisiana, came to our assistance, and presided at this meeting. Our little band consists of one elder and wife, two deacons and their wives, and eight of the laity. All are active workers, and all are interested n the work. With deep solemnity were proceeded in regular order to the election of officers. Bro. Witmore as chosen elder in charge; Bro. L. J. Porter, secretary; Bro. H. D. Blocher, Messenger agent; Bro. G. S. Axtol, church treasurer; Sister Eva Blocker, missionary solicitor and treasurer of said funds. The writer was elected church correspondent, Brethren L. J. Porter, G. S. Axtol and H. D. Blocher were elected trustees for the church property and board of appraisers for Brethren’s Insurance Co. All officers are chosen to serve one year. Our church is to be known as “Portland.” Following these services we had a very devotional little prayer meeting. many offered short, earnest prayers for the work done, appealing for help and guidance in this new field of labor, that we may do efficient work for the Master. Nay one will find this a genial clime, as we are located at the junction of two bays, Corpus Christi and Nenasis, where we get the breeze almost continually the year round. This place is seven miles from the city of Cropus Christi on the S. A. & A. P. Ry., with 10,000 inhabitants, and favored with six passenger trains daily. We invite members to stop with us. They will soon learn that the Lord has a planting here, in this far-away Southland, which is his. Amanda Witmore. Jan. 24.