Pleasant Valley Church (1890?-1901)
The Gospel Messenger March 15, 1887 page 172 Lone Star Echoes Feb. 12, the Williams Creek church met in council and considered it good to hold an election for a speaker. The lot fell upon Bro. J. P Harshbarger, who moved here, in company with Bro. Henry Brubaker, last Oct. Feb. 15th, wife and I, in company with the above-named brethren and their wives, started on a trip to Clay County, fifty miles west of here, to do some church work. On the 19th.we organized a church, with over twenty members. The name of the church is Pleasant Valley. Two deacons were elected- brethren Cornelius Bowman and George Stultz. During our stay in Clay County, we spent several days looking at the county; we saw some very beautiful, dark sandy land, ranging in price for $3.50 to $6.00 per acre, convenient to timber, and with plenty of water to be had, by digging from ten to sixty feet. It would be a fine place to locate a colony, as it is near railroad, and within the bounds of the Pleasant Valley Church. I expect to move to Clay County soon, as there is nor minister in the Pleasant Valley church, and there are now two here. My address will be Post Oak, Clay Co., Tex. We have been here now just one year, and are well pleased with Texas, both as a place to live, and also to labor in the cause. We find members scattered over the State considerably. At the time we came here, there was no minister in the State; now there are three, and there is room for many more. We have good reasons to expect other to move here during this year. The cold winter of the North are turning many eyes to this State, where we can plow every month of the year. Several families moved here in the fall, and seem to be well pleased. I want to say here that the best time to move to Texas, is between Sept. 1 and Dec. 1. Farming commences so early, that to work to a good advantage, one should be her by Dec.1, or Christmas, at the farthest. At this writing, grass is getting green and flowers are beginning to bloom on the prairies. During the year, I have traveled about 2000 miles, mostly in preaching, and have not been on board a railroad car. No mode of travel is so pleasant, in fine weather, as to go by team, and camp out. It is healthy and invigorating, as well as pleasant. Feb. 26, 1887 A. W. Vaniman.