Live Oak Church (1884 -1922?) The Gospel Messenger Jan. 20, 1885 page 43 Vol. 23 No. 3 From Live Oak Church, Texas. Bro. S. S. Mohler, of Missouri, and H. Gephart, of Texas, came to us Dec. 11, and preached seven sermons. On account of bad weather, the attendance was small. On the 17th we met in council and organized a church of six members. A. S. Moore was chosen deacon, and the writer was chosen to the ministry.. John Wise, of Kansas, is our elder. We feel thankful to the brethren for visiting us so often, and laboring so faithfully to establish a church here for God and his people. We invite all brethren to immigrate here, who are willing to work for the cause of Christ. We need some good minister to locate with us, in order that the cause may prosper more rapidly. All brethren desiring information address the writer. J. S. Buckley.
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 6, 1897 page 93 Live Oak Church, Texas. – Dec. 26, at 2 P. M., the members, belonging to the Brethren’s colony at this place, met in council. All matters were disposed of in a spirit of love. Bro. G. H. Wilt, was elected deacon to assist Bro. Buckley. Sister Fannie Wilt (the writer) was elected correspondent. Bro. Bowman and five others were with us. Our members are few, - on sixteen. We have preaching every fourth Sunday by Bro. Tennison, how is an interesting speaker. – Fannie Wilt, Weatherford, Tex., Jan. 24