Lipscomb City Church (1891 - ?)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 10, 1899 page 572 From the Pan Handle of Texas. Aug. 7, at 6:14 P. M., I met Bro. E. Eby at the train at Higgins, Texas, and conveyed him to my home,—twenty miles away,—at Lipscomb, Texas. Next day we went twenty-five miles north-west to the place where the Brethren have settled. This was Thursday. On Friday a council was held with the Brethren. Three brethren and four sisters presented their letters, which were read. All agreed to be subject to our General Brotherhood. To more fully organize the Lipscomb church, there was a choice held for deacon, which fell on Bro. Samuel Fager, who was installed according to the usual order of the church by Bro. Eby, amidst great solemnity. May God sustain him in the discharge of his duties! This leaves the Lipscomb church in good working order, with two ministers in the second degree, one deacon, and twelve members. A letter was granted to the writer who intends to go to a new field of labor. On Saturday we returned to Lipscomb. We stopped on the way and took dinner with sister Burger and her two sons. On Sunday brother Eby preached twice to small but attentive congregations at Lipscomb. On Monday we journeyed toward the Cimarron church. We staid over night near the Beaver river and continued our journey the next day. We arrived at Bro. Moore's before noon and found them all in good health, excepting sister Brown who is much afflicted, and desires the prayers of God's children every-where in her behalf. The Cimarron brethren had appointed a meeting for every evening during the week. Bro. Eby preached on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings to fair congregations with good attention. On Thursday was their council, preparatory to their love feast on Saturday. The business of the council passed off pleasantly. Having had the oversight of the Cimarron church, and being about to change my residence, proposed to the church, after the proper council, that they ordain one of their number to the eldership. To this the church agreed by choosing Bro. Elihu Moore, — he being the oldest in office. He was installed in the usual manner by Bro. Eby, assisted by the writer. May God give him grace sufficient for his day and trial. One was received at the council by baptism,—an old lady, aged sixty-eight years. The writer preached to the little flock on Thursday evening, and on Friday Bro. Eby left us for his home, so we enjoyed a week of pleasant intercourse and labor in the churches with him and the brethren, that gives us a foretaste of heaven. We continued the meeting on Friday evening, and on Saturday at 10 o'clock. At 3 P. M. Bro. Ennis preached, and in the evening the usual services were had. On Sunday, at 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. we had preaching again, with increasing interest. The aged sister, received on Thursday, not having been able to be present at the love-feast, on Saturday, on account of sickness, and having a desire to commune with her brethren, a private communion was held on Sunday evening for her benefit, which was greatly enjoyed by all. Then the parting hand was given, and on the morrow the writer returned home. Washington Wyland. |