Elbow Creek Church (1879 -1882)
Brethren of Work June 26, 1879 page 7 Vol. IV No. 26 From the Lone Star State. Dear Brethren: - The organization of the church in Grayson County, Texas, is one of the things of the past. On the 26th of April the brethren and sisters met in council, at our house, and after singing the 254th hymn, exhortations and prayer, and reading 20th chapter of Acts of the Apostles, and speaking from the same, and exhorting to the duties of the church, as it is now starting in this far away land, that the order of the church might be kept as it is generally understood by the Brethren, so that we might come under the blessing of the prayer of Jesus, when he prayed that we might be one, as He and the Father are one; and also that our faith may be predicated up Jesus from the words of the apostles, and be united with our Annual Meeting. We then gave the privilege to all to speak their minds, to which all freely expressed their faith and feeling, and then there were handed in eighteen letters of membership, some that were given three years ago, from the different districts in the different States, eight brethren and ten sisters. All agreed to hold a Love-feast, but would not set the time until after the organization in Cook County, which was done the last day of May, where also eighteen letters were handed in, but twenty-six members present, three from Clay County, and three from Grayson and Brother Levi Stump and son. After all agreeing, with the help of God, to keep the order of his house, as laid down by Christ and the apostles, we then set the time of our communion meeting at our place, (the Elbow Creek Church) in Grayson County, on the 29th of July, and theirs in Cook County, (the Williams Creek Church, on the 2nd day of August, at the house the Brethren Abraham Stutsman, to which we give a hearty invitation to all the brethren and sisters, and hope that the Brethren and sisters who expect to come to Texas this Summer may come at the time to visit us, and be with at our meeting and especially the ministering brethren. Also on Sunday the first day of June we attended to the preaching of the funeral of Sister Souder to a very large congregation, who came to hear and to sympathize with the bereft family. Brother Henry Troxel was also present, but was not able to take part in the service. He had preached on Friday night, but had taken a very bad cold on the way coming so that he could speak no more, and we left him quite sick. Hope the Lord will bless him so that he may be able to attend to his appointments, as he has no one to help him. The rest are all well, and in good spirits, rejoicing that then time was coming, that if the Lord were willing, we may commune together. The Brethren in Clay County are still unorganized, but think of handing their letters in, and communing with us. In conclusion of the organization of both places, the 253rd hymn was sung, with the chorus. “I am coming to thee, Lord.” We desire to be remembered by all the brethren, in their prayers, when it goes well with them. Jacob Berkey Sherman, Grayson County, Texas, June 9th. |