Niota Church (Sweetwater Valley) (1920-1936)
The Gospel Messenger May 8, 1920 page 288 Vol. 69 No. 19 Sweet Water Valley.—Since our organization in February, we have been somewhat delayed in getting started with regular church work on account of sickness in so many homes. The committee which was appointed to secure a place to hold services, reported as follows. As our membership is small and not very strong financially, and as building material and labor are so high that the erection of a church, just at this time, is almost beyond our reach, and as the Methodist people of Niota are planning to build a new church this spring and have offered their present church building which is in good repair, but outgrown by them, to us, at a reasonable price, we have accepted the offer. This church is sufficiently larger for our present needs, with room to growth, Niota is about the most central point for our present membership. It is a little town in a stage of growth and development, and has large town. We are glad that others are interested in church work Her in the South, and would be glad to have good consecrated workers locate here.-J. L. Clark, Jr., Athens, Tenn., April 24. |