Liberty Church (1920-)
The Gospel Messenger April 3, 1920 page 234 Vol. 69 No. 14 Pleasant Valley church met in council March 20, with Eld. Austin Diehl presiding. Bro. Elmer Seehorn and wife were received by letter. As we have several members living too far way to attend church often, we granted them the privilege of organizing a church at Liberty. Brethren Austin Diehl, W. H. Sellers, John A. Garst and Joseph Carey were appointed as a committee to make arrangement for securing a pastor for the ensuing year. A collection of $9.05 was taken for church expenses. We reorganized the Sunday-school, with Bro. Elmer Seehorn, superintendent. Bro. Austin Diehi gave us an inspiring sermon on Sunday. – Pearl Sellers, Jonesboro, Tenn., March 22 |