Jackson Park Church (1924-)
The Gospel Messenger March 29, 1924 page 208 Vol. 73 No. 13 Jonesboro. – Elders A. M. Laughrun and C. W. Clark began a revival in the West Mission, Jonesboro. Feb. 17 and continued until March 2. Nineteen were led to Christ. Two were baptized, six reclaimed and other wait the rite. The members were greatly strengthened and the meeting closed with a crowded house. Ground was broken March 3 for the new Jackson Park church. Jonesboro is the oldest town in the State, and the church is located in the park that once was the home of Gen. Jackson. There are five Brethren churches within a radius of about five miles, four of which have members living in Jonesboro. This is one of the best locations for a strong. Brethren church in the South. – Mrs. C. W. Clark, Jonesboro, Tenn., March 13.
The Gospel Messenger March 29, 1924 page 208 Vol. 73 No. 13 New Hope church met in council March 8, with Bro. J. B. Hilbert presiding. The church gave the members living in Jonesboro the right to organize the Jackson Park Brethren church, which is now under construction. Sunday Bro. D. F. Bowman, from Knob Creek, preached from the theme, " The Home the Seat of All Enterprise."— Mrs. C. W. Clark. Jonesboro, Tenn., March 13.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 25, 1924 page 688 Vol. 73 No. 43 Jonesboro.-As we have our churchhouse completed at Jonesboro, and the pews almost done, the church has decided to hold her love least on Saturday before the first Sunday in November, at 2:30 P M. We cordially invite all who desire to be with us. We have decided to name our church Jackson Park Memorial.—Jesse D. Clarke, Jonesboro, Tenn., Oct. 14.
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 22, 1924 page 759 Vol. 73 No. 47 Jackson Park Memorial church held its first love feast and communion Nov. 1. It was an enjoyable occasion; about 100 communed. Eld. S. H. Garst, of Blountville, officiated. He also preached a very appropriate sermon on Sunday to a large crowd. We expect to dedicate this new house of worship Nov. 30. We will have an all-day meeting and expect Bro. Garst to be with us again. It is a treat for the members of Jonesboro to have a churchhouse of their own—H. K. Keeble, Jonesboro, Tenn., Nov. 10.