Hickerson Church (1905-?)
The Gospel Messenger August 26, 1905 page 542 Vol. 44 No.34 FROM TULLAHOMA, TENN. To-day will be long remembered by the members here. The mission board sent brethren and we were organized into a working body. We held an election for a deacon, the lot falling to Bro. Carl Young. We are now ready to move on in the Master's work. We have a resident minister (through the efforts of the Messenger), two deacons and thirteen members. We have the promise of more to move in with us this fall. Our Sunday school is progressing nicely and we have preaching twice a month. We have a fine climate, good markets, schools, the best of water and cheap homes to offer all that want to cast their lot with us. The Brethren expect to stay with us a day or two and preach for us. We would be glad to have passing brethren stop over with us at any time. They will be met at Tullahoma, on main line of N. C. & St. L. R. R., or they can take branch for Hickerson and get off in a brother's dooryard. Any brother wishing a milder climate would do well to investigate our country. C. W. Caylor, Clerk. Aug. 12. |