Alpena (Pleasant Prairie) The Gospel Messenger Nov. 10, 1885 page 716 From Bijou Hills, Dak. As we do not see any news from this part of the Brotherhood, I thought a few items might be of general Interest. By the request of the Brethren living in the vicinity of Alpena, Jerauld Co., D. T., Eld. Jacob Murray and the writer, accompanied by brethren Miller and McLane met with the brethren and sisters north of Alpena, 3 ½ miles for the purpose of organizing a church, at the hour of 10 A. M., Oct. 18, 1885. Found a goodly number of dear ones assembled. After devotional exercises, by the council it was found to be the unanimous desire of those present to effect an organization, and the work was completed in live and union of sentiment, and, by council of the church, proceeded to the work of calling for help, - one of the office of deacon, the lot falling on Bro. G. J. Royer, a worthy brother. May God bless him. By council of the church, they unanimously requested that our beloved brother, Bro. B. F. Miller be ordained to the full ministry, and be in charge of the church, namely the Pleasant Prairie church, Beadle and Jerauld counties, Dak., the request being fulfilled by the laying on the hands. After this the local organization was perfected by selecting Bro. G. J Royer, Clerk, and brother Isaac Shank, Treasurer. This locality is one among the many beautiful ones to be found in the Dakota. The Brethren here are temporally well provided for, and by their manifestations of love, enjoy richly of the spiritual blessings. What joy to those of like precious faith to meet and participate in the furtherance of the good work of our Master’s cause I pray God that the little vine here planted may bear much fruit to the honor and glory of God a more zealous little band of Christians soldiers could hardly be found, and with the ale teaching of Elder B. R. Miller, assisted by the church, certainly cannot help but bring many souls to knowledge of duty to God. And to the church for an earthly home. Ministering brethren traveling remember this church in passing through Dakota; you will be welcomed by the dear brethren. Bro. B. F. Miller resides one-half mile east of Alpena, where you will find a welcome. The organization was effected with ten members by letter and a few more present, who were not provide with letters, but were all known to be worthy of a certificate. This should not be neglected in moving from the churches east to the West. During our journey of 80 miles, we were blessed with health and the pleasantest of autumn sunshine, to speed across the beautiful and reach prairies of Brule and Jerauld counties. All agree in pronouncing our mission of the most enjoyable ones of our lives, laboring for the cause, and for the care, kind words and love manifested towards the servants called. We return thanks to the Brethren and sister of Pleasant Prairie church, D. T. May God bless the labors performed, and may sunshine and the dews of heaven fall upon the little band of believers at Alpena, will ever be my prayer. Scattered over Brule county are quite a goodly number of dear members, and preparations are being made to effect an organization, of which due notice will be given. Health good, weather pleasant. All seem to be contented and well with our lovely country, rich in producing all kinds of grain and vegetables, and yet there is room for more faithful workers. Ministerial help wanted of such as feel to make the sacrifice to save souls and secure homes on little capital. Pardon my long letter. Brethren, remember us at a throne of grace. Come and preach for us. May God bless the Brotherhood. Pray for me. Yours Fraternally, Wm. G. Cook