Laurens Church (1907-12)
The Gospel Messenger April 6, 1907 page 46 Vol. 46 No. 14 Laurens.—March 9 Bro. Geo. A. Branscom came and preached three soul-cheering sermons for us. He came for the purpose of organizing a church at this point. As we are in the bounds of the North Carolina District, we had to have an elder of this district before we could become a legally organized body. Sunday we assembled at our place of worship and were organized. After organizing, officers were chosen; Bro. Marlon Prather elder. Bro. Wm. A. Dickens deacon and the writer church clerk. We decided to have preaching services twice a month, on the first and third Sundays. We have an interesting Sunday school. The attendance is not large but the interest Is good.—Wm, R. Lewis, Laurens, S. C, March 27. |