Windber Church (1921-)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 28, 1922 page 64 Vo. 71 No., 4 Windber. – The Scalp level congregation recently decided to divide, and the two parts are now know respectively, as the Windber and Scalp Level congregation. The Windber congregation met in council Dec. 20, to elect officers. Bro. A. J. Beeghley, of Rummel was chosen elder. On Christmas Sunday three new members were added to the church through baptism. We are now trying to secure a pastor as Bro. Jones, who is acting as pastor for both congregations, will soon be leaving us. Bro. Jones can give us but one sermon each Sunday. At other times the pulpit is being supplied by various ministers from near by congregations. – Mrs. C. E. Replogle, Windber, PA, Jan. 17.