Williamsburg Church (1917-)
The Gospel Messenger March 31, 1917 page 300 Vol. 66 No. 13 Williamsburg, formerly within the bounds of the Fairview church. Pa., was organized as a separate congregation Feb. 28.
The Gospel Messenger March 31, 1917 page 205 Vol. 66 No. 13 Williamsburg. – The Fairview church has granted the brethren and sister is Williamsburg and vicinity the privilege of forming a separate organization known as the Williamsburg congregations. Eld. A. G. Crosswhite, of Roaring Spring, and Eld. W. S. Long, of Altcons, were called March 6, to assist in organizing the new congregation, composed of eighty members. Eld. Crosswhite presided over the meeting. Bro. W. H. Holsinger was elected elder of three years, and pastor for one year. Brethren Jesse Park and M.C. Shelly, were elected deacons, and, with their wives, were duly installed. The delegates elected to represent the new organization at District Meeting are Eld. W. H. Holsinger and wife. – Levi Sollenberger, Williamsburg, Pa., March 22. |