Elizabethtown Church (1902-)
The Gospel Messenger May 10, 1902 page 301 Vol. 40 No. 19 West Green Tree. – This part of the old Chiques congregation met for organization at the church April 26. On account of another congregation in Eastern Pennsylvania having the name Green Tree. West Green Tree was adopted as the name. Eld. S. R. Zug will have the over sight. They have only one minister at present, and two deacons. Brethren S. S. Shearer and E. B. Brubaker were elected secretary and treasurer, respectively. A full corps of Sunday-school officers were elected. Brethren D. M. Eshleman and Abraham S. Fry will represent this congregation at Annual Meeting. – John C. Zug, Mastersonville, Pa. April 26. |