Trout Run Church (1913-20)
The Gospel Messenger Feb, 1, 1913 p 77 Vol. 62 No. 5 Indian Creek (Trout Run House). – Since our dear brother, Walter Hamilton, has moved among us, in the mountains, our church work is very encouraging. Dec. 1, 1912, Bro. Hamilton started a “Volunteer Sunday-School.” All officials, teacher, etc., volunteered. Bro. Hamilton is our superintendent; Sister Ella Dassdorf, secretary. The first day we had and enrollment of fifty-eight, and now, in sex weeks’ time, we have over 100 enrolled. We also started a home department, with Sister Anna Nedrow as superintended, and a cradle roll department, with Sister Lizzie Peck as superintendent. We are living up in the mountains, and some of the members are miles away, but our attendance is very good. We present a petition at our council, Dec. 28, to the Indian Creek congregation, County Line house, to grant us the privilege of forming a separated organization. The request was granted. The new congregation will take in two churchhouse. – Trout Run and the Center church. We are surely glad and thankful that God sent us Bro. Hamilton. – having, as he does, the interest of our church at heart. Our elder, Bro. E. K. Hochstetler, preached for us on Sunday forenoon. Dec. 29, Richard Arno Dassdorf, Jones Mills, Pa., Jan. 19.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 25, 1913 page 685 Vol. 62 No. 43 Trout Run church met in council Oct. 11. To organize into a separate congregation. Indian Creek, of which this church was formerly a part, granted us this privilege. Bro. Silas Hoover, of the middle Creek congregation, presided. The following officers will serve until Dec. 31, 1914: The writer secretary and corresponding secretary of the Gospel Messenger; Bro. Silas Hoover, Elder; Brethren William Reese, John M. Nedrow and Miles Hamilton, trustees; Bro. Walter Hamilton, agent for the Brethren Publishing House; Brethren Josephus Pritts, Friend and Ell Foust, Finance Committee. It was decided to have regular preaching services both morning and evening on every second and fourth Sunday. Beside this we have two other appointments to look after. We decided to name our congregation at the next council. We feel rejoiced over the work done. Since our last report we organized our Sunday-school for the winter months, with Bro. Miles Hamilton as superintendent. At the Sunday-school Convention our Trout Run school received a diploma as the front-line Sunday-school. Bro. Miller, of Huntingdon, Pa., preached for us three times. All enjoyed his good sermons. – Richard Arno Dassdorf, Jones Mills, Pa., Oct. 12.