Stony Creek (1880-81)
Brethren at Work 11-02-18 80 p 6 Vol. V No 44FROM ELK LICK, PA. WAS in attainment the S. S. Convection of the Western District of Pa., held at Berlin, Oct. 19th and 20th. Brethren P. J. Brown and J. II. Worst of Ohio, were present and took part in the discussions. On Thursday, 2nd, the brethren of the Berlin congregation held a council, and by the urgent solicitations of Eld. Blough and others, Bro. Kelso and I remained. This was the last council meeting to he held for that body, as the purpose of the meeting was to divide their congregation into four parts. The committees on territorial lines reported, and with a few changes, the lines w ere located satisfactorily to all present. The congregations, as divided, are named, Berlin Brother's Valley, Stony Creek and Somerset. After the joint business was dispensed with Eld. Cober called a council of his (Berlin) congregation and the business resulted in the ordination of Eld. H. R. Holsinger; so the Berlin congregation has two ministers, both ordained. The Brother's Valley has four or five with one older. Stony Creek has no minister; Somerset has no elder but two ministers. Hope the division may prove for the better and the work of the Lord prosper abundantly. Bro. Brown preached on Monday and Thursday evenings at Berlin; will preach this evening at Meyersdale, Saturday evening at Jonas Lichty's school-house, Sunday and Sunday eve. in Salisbury; will return to Meyersdale on Monday and leave for his home on Tuesday. Thus (the Lord willing) he will end his labors for the present in Somerset county. We had the first snow of the season on the 19th. Weather pleasant since and the general health of the country good for which we thank God. Fraternally yours. S. C. Keim. |