Springfield (1868-)
Brethren at Work 10-03-1878 page 8 Vol. III No.40From James Y. Heckler. – Church news are scarce. We cannot speak of sinners turning to God at present. Seasons of drouth will come over the country for awhile, but after the soil has been parched, there come, also, seasons of copious rains. The same is applicable to the church. We have the Word preached with power sometimes, but it seems as though sinner’s hearts were callous and unable to receive the truth. We must therefore wait for a season of spiritual rain, when the hearts will be moistened and the truth shall take root. Our church district has been divided; the territory was to large for convenience. The Indian Creek Church included parts of four counties, namely: Montgomery, Bucks, Northampton and Lehigh. But now the new district, called Springfield, includes parts of the three latter counties. There is no church of the Brethren farther North than the latter, but there are thousands of precious souls, brought with the same price as we have been, sitting in darkness, worshiping creeds and holding the traditions of men, North of the Springfield district. |