Snake Spring Valley Church (1824-)
The Gospel Messenger March 8, 1913 p 167 Vol. 62 No. 11 Snake Spring. – Feb. 16, our regular meeting day, Eld. W. S. Ritchey preached for us. After the meeting Bro. Henry Koons, with his wife, of R. D. 1, New Enterprise, Pa., was installed in the first degree of the ministry. Feb. 23, the day appointed for the dedication of the Cherry Lane church, a large congregation assembled at the appointed time. Bro. M. J. Weaver, of Everett, Pa, preached a splendid sermon from 1 Kings and 2 Tim. 2:30. The Brethren at Cherry Line now have a splendid house of worship, suitable for love feast occasions. Eld. Wm. S Ritchey is conducting a series of meetings at the Cherry Lane house this week. Our monthly Missionary and Temperance Meeting was held on the evening of Feb.23. – Joseph F. Snyder, R. D. 1, Box 59, Everett, Pa., Feb. 18 |