Scalp Level Church (1912-)
The Gospel Messenger March 2, 1912 page 141 Vol. 61 No. 9 Shade Creek church met in council Feb. 10. At this council it was reported by the committee, appointed at the previous council, that by a strong majority vote the members think it better to divide the congregation, forming two congregations because of the large territory to be covered. The new congregations will hold their respective preliminary councils in the Berkey house Feb. 24, and in the Scalp Level house March 2, When each will organize. We held our Missionary and Christian Workers' Convention in the Rummel house on Sunday afternoon and evening. Feb. 18. The Missionary Meeting rendered a temperance program which aroused much enthusiasm. Much spiritual help is gained at these Christian Workers conventions for the benefit of our several Christian Workers Meetings.—J. H. Lehman. Scalp Level, Pa.. Feb. 21.
The Gospel Messenger March 23, 1912 page 189 Vol. 61 No. 12 Scalp Level church met in special council March 2, to organize as a new congregation. As previously stated. Shade Creek congregation has been divided into two parts, The following officers were elected: Treasurer, Jonas A. Weaver; clerk, J, H, Lehman; auditors, W, G. Seese, C. S. Knavel and J, L. Hoffman; corresponding secretary, Grace Clapper; Temperance Committee, Geo. Fyock, Harvey Knavel and Jonas Dilling. recording secretary, C, S. Knavel. It was decided at this meeting that we accept the call to hold the Bible Institute of Western Pennsylvania at this place, in December of this year. This congregation expects to secure the help of a pastor in the near future. Since our last report, one has been added to the church by baptism.—V. Grace Clapper, Scalp Level, Pa., March 14. |