Roaring Spring Church (1898-)
The Gospel Messenger May 28, 1898 page 349 Vol. 36 No. 22 Roaring Springs-We met in special council May u Brethren J. A. Sell, Thomas Mattocks, and G. Brumbaugh were with us. The little band at this place was then organizing into a separate body, to be called the Roaring Spring church. Bro. John R. Stayer (in the second degree), is our only minister. He, with three deacons, composes the official body. We selected Thomas Mattocks as our elder Bro Thomas B. Mattocks, Jr., was elected treasurer for the church! Bro. Lewis Hoover is secretary, and the writer corresponding secretary. We decided to hold quarterly council, beginning with the first Saturday in February, 1898 —D. S. Replogle, May 16.
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 12, 1910 page 733 Vol. Roaring Spring church met in special council Oct. 12, with Elders J. A. Sell and O. V. Long, the former presiding. We arranged to dedicate the new church Oct. 30, and also decide to hold a series of meetings during the week following the dedication, closing with a love feast, Sunday, Nov. 6. Then, in another special council, held Oct. 24, with Eld. O. V. Long presiding, a Sunday-school was organized, to be conducted in the new church. Thus the church now anticipates the growth and prosperity of two Sunday-schools. The Sunday-school in the old church is being superintended by Bro. H. H. Rascher, with Andrew Albright as secretary. Bro. H. A. Brumbaugh is superintendent of the new organization, with sister Elva Clapper as secretary. At these councils two members were added to the church by letter and one reclaimed. – Elizabeth Barnett, Roaring Spring Pa., Oct. 29 |