Quakertown Church (1936-)
The Gospel Messenger June 20, 1936 page 30 Vol. 85 No. 26 Quakertown. – Bro. R. H. Jones of Mingo congregation preached for us morning and evening of March 15. Bro. Paul Robinson of Princeton Seminary filled the pulpit March 22. The church met in council March 31. The Springfield and Quakertown church have been as one, known as Springfield congregation. At this meeting we decided to be a separate congregation, to be known as Quakertown. Bro. Replogle was reelected elder. Brethren S. S. Lint and Russell Rotenberger were chosen delegates to district conference. Bro. C. F. Holspopple is delegate to Annual Meeting with Bro. S. S. Lint, alternate. The Co-workers’ class was very glad to have Bro. Henry Gotshall’s male chorus render a sacred program on the evening of May 20 which was much appreciated by all. – Mrs. Raymond Bleam, Coopersburg, Pa., May 31. |