Palmyra Church (1921 - )
The Gospel Messenger April 23, 1921 page 269 Palmyra. – March 27 the primary and junior and junior pupils rendered a very pleasing Easter program. Afterward Bro. J. I. Baugher, of Elizabethtown, delivered a most helpful address. March 28 the church met in council at the Palmyra house. Since the Spring Creek church met in council at the Palmyra house. Since the Spring Creek church has been divided, we met to organize. Eld. Samuel Hertzler, of the meeting. The name of the church will be Palmyra, with a membership of 275. Bro. J. H. Longenecker was elected elder in charge of the new church. Four letters were received. We decided to hold our love feast April 30, at 3 P. M. Delegates to Annual Meeting are Brethren F. S. Carper and J. H. Longenecker; to District Meeting, Brethren A. B. Grubb, Henry Wenger and A. G. Longenecker. – Elizabeth A. Blauch, Palmyra, Pa., April 6, |