Norristown Church (1901-73)
The Gospel Messenger March 126, 1901 page 173 Mingo. The regular quarterly council of the Mingo church was held at the Mingo house on Saturday, March 2. One brother was received by letter. Ten other were granted certificates. Bro. Isaac Cassel was elected delegate to Annual Meeting and brethren Levi Zigler and Samuel Price to District Meeting. the time for the spring love feast was set for May 4. It was decided to organize the Norristown mission into a church. All seem to be encouraged by the outlook for the lords work. Harry H. Ziegler, Royersford, Pa., March 4.
The Gospel Messenger March 23, 1901 page 189 Norristown. At a Special Meeting on March 12 the members living in this town were organized into a separate congregation. Abarm L. Grater, of Mingo district, Montgomery County, was chosen as elder. The deacons are J. Howard Ellis and E. C. Hasley. Other necessary officers were elected by vote. George G. Detwiler, 714 Kohn St., March 13.
The Gospel Messenger April 6, 1901 page 221 Norristown. The church met in its first council meeting after organization, on Tuesday evening, March 19, Brethren W. M. Howe and A. L. Grater were chosen delegates to District Meeting. the first Tuesday in January, April, July and October were name for our regular quarterly council meetings. We expect to reorganize the Sunday school March 31. The writer was chosen correspondent in place of Bro. Geo. GB. Detwiler4, who was elected treasurer. Carrie W. Ellis, March 27. |