New Fairview Church (1921-)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 17, 1921 page 573 Vol. 70 No. 38 Codorus. – July 10 Bro. E. S. Miller gave us a powerful sermon from 1 Tim. 1: 15. July 17 a Children’s Meeting was held at the Shrewabury house. Our District Sunday-school Secretary, Bro. G. Howard Danner, gave the address. July 11 a council was held, with Eld. D. Y. Brillhart presiding. It was unanimously decided to divide the congregation, which, as it is, covers a large territory. We thought that under the new plan more work for the Master could and would be done. Aug. 15 a council meeting was held at the Fairview house, which the lines and other matters, concerning the division, were agreed on. We had with the following committee from the District: Elders E. S. Miller, C. L. Baker and Daniel Bowser, Eld. D. Y. Brillhart was chosen elder for one year for the new congregation, which was named New Fairview. A Children’s Meeting was held at the Fairview house July 14. Bro. Diller Myer gave the address and also two good sermons – one on Saturday evening and the other on Sunday forenoon. The following dates for our Love feast were selected: Oct. 9, Shrewabury, Oct. 30, Codorus, Sept. 4 a Children’s Meeting was held at the Codorus house, with an address by Eld. A. M. Kuhns. These services were largely attended. – E. H. Lehman, Dallastown, Pa., Sept. 6.
The Gospel Messenger 22, 1921 page 653 Vol. 70 No. 43 New Fairview church met in council Aug. 29, with Eld. D. Y. Brillhart presiding. Organization of the New Fairview congregation was as follows: Elder, Bro. D. Y. Brillhart; clerk, C. F. Weaver; trustees, Bro. Harry Markey. Howard Miller, Howard Fitz; church reporter, Lloyd Chronister; Missionary Committee, I. M. Bowser, C. F. Weaver, Paul Godfrey; Child Rescue. Sisters Harry Markey, Ruth Sherer, Howard Fitz. Delegates to District Meeting are Brethren Howard Fitz, Michael Markey; alternates, C. F. Weaver, I. M. Bowser, Jacob Markey. Our love feast will he held Nov. 27. Bro. Hiram Eshelman will hold a series of meetings at this place.—Lloyd E. Chronister, York, Pa., Oct. 6. |