Natrona Heights (Allegheny Valley) (1930-)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 8, 1930 page 717 Vol. 79 No. 46Birdville mission was organized into a separate congregation on Sunday, June 23. The name of the new organization is Allegheny Valley Church of the Brethren. The following officers were elected: Elder, Galen B. Royer; pastor C. D. Brenllinger; church clerk, Mrs. Grace Hughes; trustees, D. H. McClain, Homer Rowan, Effie Hetrick. The cornerstone for the new church was laid Oct. 26. Bro. J. Lloyd Nedrow from Kittaming was in charge of the services and singer. – Mrs. Grace Hughes, Birdville, Pa., Oct. 29.
The Gospel Messenger 03-07-2932 p 30Allegheny Valley (formerly Birdville). —We moved into the new church on Dec. 14, 1930. Since that date seventeen have been baptized; six more will be baptized later. Our pastor, Bro. C. D. Brendlinger, is doing the preaching. Our Sunday-school is above the hundred mark in attendance. Church attendance in the evening is very good. On Sunday evening, Feb. 22, the pastor's subject was, The Ten Commandments. Two stood for Christ, a man and wife. Our pastor's home and its contents burned and everything was lost, including his library of books, around a thousand of them. —Mrs. Grace Hughes, Natrona Heights, Pa., Feb. 24.