Myerstown Church (1919-)
The Gospel Messenger August 3, 1919 page 557 Vol. 68 No. 35 Tulpehocken.—June 15 a Children's Meeting was held by the Sundayschool at the Heidelberg meetinghouse. Bro. Harry Nye, of Elizabethtown, gave an address. Our regular council convened in the Myerstown house on Saturday afternoon, with Eld. John Herr presiding. One certificate was presented and one granted. Eld. John C. Zug expects to be with us for a series of meetings at the Tulpehocken house, beginning Nov. 29. It was decided to divide our congregation into three parts: Myerstown and Royer's meetinghouses are to comprise the first part, with 153 members; Millbach and Richland, with 170 members will be the second part, and Heidelberg, with 120 members, the third part. A special meeting for the organization of each part was arranged for. The Richland Sunday-school will have a Children's Meeting August 17. Eld. Rulus Bucher will deliver the address.—H. F. King, Lebanon, Pa., August 14.
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 6, 1919 page 572 Vol. 68 No. 36 MYERSTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA Myerstown church, one of the three parts into which the Tulpehocken congregation was divided at the council of August 9, met in council August 16 at the Myerstown house, for the purpose of naming and organizing the church. Eld. John Herr presided. Elders E. M. Wenger and S. H. Hertzler were also present. The above name was decided upon and the following officers were elected: Elder, John Herr for three years; church clerk and Messenger agent. Bro. Harvey Frantz; correspondent, the writer. Brethren Elias Frantz and Nathan Lentz were elected to the deacon's office and, with their wives, duly installed. A Missionary Committee was appointed, consisting of Sisters Annie Frantz and Sallie Sholly and Bro. Frank Layser. Our new congregation consists of about one hundred and fifty-members, and besides the Myerstown house also has the Tulpehocken house Our church will hold a joint Harvest Meeting with the Heidelburg and Richland churches at the former church. Sept. 6. Our love feast will also be held with the same church and at the same place Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. Our spring love feast is to be held with the Richland church, which we intend to continue to do until arrangements for a house for love feast occasions are completed. Our next quarterly council will be held Sept. 20. Our Sunday-school delegates to the Missionary and Sunday-school Meeting, held August 30 in the East Fairview district, are Sister Sallie Sholly and Bro. Harvey Frantz. Alice B. Royer.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 15, 1921 page 637 Myerstown church met in regular council Sept. 3, with Eld. John Herr in charge. Three certificates were granted. We intend to hold a series of meetings at the Myerstown house sometime during the winter. The report of the committee on a churchhouse at Myerstown, suitable for love feasts, was received. It was decided to remodel and enlarge the present house. The committee was continued, and advised to report their plans at the next regular council. Sept. 17 a special council was held. Elders. I. W. Taylor, Jacob Pfautz and J. L. Royer were present. Bro. Elias Frantz as elected to the ministry and Geo. Daniel Myer to the deacon’s office. They with their wives, were duly installed. Sept. 25 Brethren Geo. Weaver and Merkey were with us. The former preached in the morning. In the afternoon Children’s Day services were held. A program was given by members of the Sunday-school, and Bro. Weaver gave an address. The interest and attendance were good. – Alice B. Royer, Myerstown, Pa., Sept. 27. |