Mohler Church (Springville) (1899-)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 30, 1899 page 604 Vol. 37 No. 38 Ephrata.-Aug. 5 we met in .council to see if the congregation could be divided, making the town of Ephrata a separate organization. By the assistance of the adjoining elders this was accomplished. Ephrata is a town of over 3,000 inhabitants, with over one hundred members. The other part is now named the Springville church. It has a membership of over two hundred, in charge of Eld. Israel Wenger. Sept. 2 the Ephrata church was called in council to organize. An election for a minister, a deacon and elder resulted in the choice of Bro. David Kilhefner, for minister; Bro. S. W. Kulp, fur deacon; and Bro. I. W. Taylor, for elder. Bro. E. B. Lefever is to be with us again by Jan. 1. He is a minister in the second degree.—J. R. Royer, Sept. 12. |