Midway Church (1902-)
The Gospel Messenger April 5, 1902 page 221 Vol. 40 No. 14 Tulpehocken. – At the December council this congregation decided to divide its territory and organize two churches, viz, the Tulpehocken and the Midway. At our last council, March 7, we organized, retaining Bro. John Herr as elder of this church, and later Bro. C. Bucher was chosen elder of the newly-organized Midway church. We now have three ministers, three deacons, five house of worship, two hundred and eight-four members and two Sunday schools. Brethren J. L. Royer and Jacob Gettel were elected Sunday-school superintendents. Our love feast will be held at the Heidelberg house, June 3 and 4. The following delegators were chosen: to District Meeting, brethren Levi Bollinger and W. M. Oherholtzer; to Annual Meeting, brethren Jacob Nissly and Ephraim Brubaker. The writer was elected Messenger correspondent. – F. L. Reber, Myerstown, Pa., March 24 |