Memorial Martinsburg Church (1936-)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 21, 1936 page 31 Vol. 85 No. 48 Clover Creek. – The question of division of the Clover Creek congregation had been under consideration for the past six months. Cue to the large membership of the Martinsburg church, they felt strong enough to support their own pastor. Bro. A. R. Coffman has been pastor of the Clover Creek congregation for the past three years. A Special business meeting was held at Clover Creek July 24 with Bro. Coffman, moderator, a motion was passed to ask the Martinsburg to delay their request for further study. Sept. 11 a council meeting was called in the Martinsburg church for the purpose of deciding this question. Two members of the District Ministerial Board – Brethren E. M. Detwiler and S. P. Early- were present, the former acting as moderator. By a majority vote it was decided that Martinsburg shall be a separate organization. The other churches – Clover Creek and Diehl’s Cross Roads. - now comprise of Clover Creek congregation. The regular quarterly council convened in the Clover Creek church Oct. 2 with Bro. S. P. Early, moderator. The following officers were elected; Elder, I. B. Kensinger; trustees, Geo. Dilling, Geo. Corle, L. B. Hoover; ministerial board, Jesse Beach, D. E. Shriver; church clerk, Pearl Snowberger; treasurer, Arch Brumbaugh. By the request of the ministerial board it was decided to call Bro. Samuel Weyant of Claysburg to act as part-time pastor and he began his work Oct. 25. We are looing forward to an evangelistic meeting to begin Nov. 23, with Bro. Jos. Clapper of Yellow Creek, evangelist. Bro. E. K. Sollenberger was reelected general Sunday-school superintendent with Chas. Clapper, assistant. An installation service in charge of Eld. I. B. Kensinger was held Oct. 11 for all Sunday-school officers and teachers. Oct. 25 was rally day at our Sunday school. Bro. I Harvey Brumbaugh from Juniata College brought the message.. Our B. Y. P. D. elected officers for the coming year on Oct. 4, with Landis Shriver, President. – Pearl Snowberger, Martinsburg, Pa., Oc. 29 |