Marsh Creek Church (1805-)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 20, 1891 page 38 Vol. 29 No. 3 History of the Marsh Creek Church form it Organization to the Present time. This church was organized about 1810, by electing Bro. David Pfoutz to the ministry, and Bro. Jacob Sherfy to the deaconship. Probably twelve souls comprised the membership at that time. Bro. Michael Slothour came into the church as minister about 1813, and labored in this capacity till 1834, when he was called from labor to reward. In September of 1830, Bro. David Echor and Bro. John Pfoutz were called to labor in the ministry, and brethren Samuel Slothour and David Bosserman as deacons. August 28, 1836 Bro. David Bosserman was chosen to the ministry. Aug. 27, 1841, Bro. Daniel Benner was called to the ministry, and Bo. Joseph Kittinger was chosen deacon. May 23, 1845, Henry Bucher was chosen to the ministry, and in December of the same year Bro. Michael Bushman was set apart for the same work. Feb. 8, 11851, Bro. J. D. Trostle was called to the ministry, Oct. 4, 1851 brethren Joseph Sherfy and Jacob Diehl were elected deacons. May 29, 1853 Bro. Joseph Sherfy was called to the ministry, and Bro. Jeremiah Sheets was elected deacon. Nov. 12, 1854, brethren H. G. Koser and Samuel Hoffe were chosen deacons. In 1857, Bro. Isaac Bucher, a deacon, moved into this church, and in the spring of 1861, Bro. David Blocher, another deacon, moved into the congregation. May 14, 1863, Bro. David Blocher was called to the ministry, and November 12, 1863, brethren C. Lahman Pfoutz and John Trostle were chosen deacons. Aug 12 1869 Bro. Ephraim Deardorff was elected deacon. Nov. 10, 1870, Bro. Isaac. Pfoutz was chosen deacon. Sept, 21, 1872, Bro. C. Lahman Pfoutz was called to the ministry. May 24, 1S73, Bro. B. F. Kittinger was chosen deacon. May 11, 1878, Bro. John Trostle was chosen to the ministry, and in November 9, 1878 Bro J H. Bosserman was elected deacon. Nov 8 1884, Cornelius Weaver was chosen deacon. Aug. 14, 1886, Bro. B. F. Kittinger was elected to the ministry, and brethren J. Olive Blocher and J. D. W. Deardorff were chosen deacons. May 18, 188S, Uriah Stremmel was elected deacon. . From the best possible knowledge, David J. Pfoutz was ordained to the eldership in. the fall of 1821. Bro. David Bosserman was ordained m 1848. Bro. Joseph Sherfy was ordained Nov. 8, 1884, and C. Lahman Pfoutz, Aug. 14, 1886, under whose car the church flourishes. This church is located in Adams County, Ia. It is bounded on the east by the Upper Conawaga church, on the west by the Antietam and Falling Spring churches, on the north by Lower and Upper Cumberland churches, on the South by the Monocacy and Pine Creek churches The present membership numbers about 175, of which sixty-five per cent are sisters. In 1850 the territory was divided into six sub-districts. The boundaries of each are designated by public roads centring in Gettysburg. Each sub-district is visited annually by a deacon and sub-deacon. At this writing the official force consists of five ministers and six deacons. They have six regular appointments, yet only two meeting-houses. The first was built in 1830 on a site donated by elder David Pfoutz. This house was remodeled and enlarged in 1883. The second was built in 1852, on a lot donated by the Society of Friends B. F. Kittinger. |