Lititz Church (1914-)
The Gospel Messenger April 5, 1913 Page 221 Vol. 62 No. 14 West Conestoga church convened in council March -4. Our elder Bro Cyrus Gibble, presided. We disposed of a great deal of business. We received six church letters, but granted more than we received to those who moved out of our congregation. Since our last report we received two members by Baptism. Our church district, which was quite large, has been divided into three separate congregations. One is the Akron church, whose boundary is marked by a line some distance outside of the borough, separating the West Conestoga and the Springville congregations. Lititz. which is at the extreme end of the congregation, will also be a congregation by self including the surrounding country. The organization of these new congregations is to take place some time later. The time has not yet been decided upon. We also decided to open one more Sunday-school at the Middle Creek house. Bro. Adam Fahnestock was elected superintendent. The writer s chosen delegate to Annual Meeting; Brethren John Gibbel, Howard Eshelman and George Eckert, delegates to District Meeting, to be held at Ephrata. Our love feast will be held May 19 at 9: 30 A. M., in the Middle Creek house.—Henry E. Nies, Lititz, Pa. March 25.
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 24, 1914 page 61 Vol. 63 No. 4 Lititz —We met Jan. 10 in the Lititz house, to effect an organization. Our congregation Is named the Lititz Church of the Brethren. Bro. I.W. Taylor was chosen as our elder. Six elders were present. Eld. J. G. Royer, of Mount Morris. Ill., was moderator, and Eld. I. W, Taylor was clerk. We closed a series of meetings at this house Jan. 10, conducted by Bro. J. G. Royer. He preached twenty-two sermons for us. He also had Bible readings one-half hour before preaching services, and Bible study in the afternoon for one week. We were well pleased with his labors, as well as the labors of those who came and assisted In the services. Bro. Royer's sermons were brimful of Instruction, One applied for membership, and one was reclaimed.—Henry E. Nies, Lititz, Pa., Jan. 12. |