Lancaster Church (1891-)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 15, 1891 page 779 Vol. 29 No. 49 From Lancaster, Pa. It is, perhaps, not known to all, that the brethren, here in the city, have formed themselves into a church, to be known as the "Lancaster church." Bro. S. R. Zug, of Mastersonville, was (at an appointed council-meeting, by our former elder), chosen as our present elder. At a later council, Bro. S. R. Zug being present, brethren John H. Bushong, Benj. Evans, and J. G. Kline, were chosen Trustees; J. H. Bushong, Treasurer; and A. J. Evans, Clerk. We are few in number, but strong in faith. What we need is a resident minister. We are in hopes that the Lord will soon supply us with one. By a present arrangement with neighboring Districts we will have preaching every two weeks. It should be every week. Our city is large, and there is a great field for the Master. Remember us in your prayers, and that the work may be prospered, and God be glorified. A. J. Evans. Nov. 23. |