Huntsdale Church (1925-)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 21, 1925 page 752 Vol. 74 No. 47 Upper Cumberland church met in special council at Huntsdale Oct. 17, with Eld H. M. Stover, of Waynesboro, presiding. Bro. Jacobs, of Waynesboro, also was with us. we elected as our presiding elder. A. A. Evans. The Upper Cumberland church is now divided into two separate congregations, namely Huntsdale and Newville. Our communion service were held Sept. 17. Bro. C. R. Oelling of Waynesboro presided. Our Harvest Meeting was held Oct. 4. Bro. John A. Miller, of Carlisle, and Eld., A. A. Evans spoke at the morning service, followed by recitations and special music. We had a basket dinner at the church. In the afternoon Bro. Miller spoke again. Our neighboring minister, Rev. J. J. Glenn, of the Dickinson Presbyterian church, spoke on Rom. 12, followed by recitations and music. The day was much enjoyed by all present. Our delegates to District Meeting are Eld. A. A. Evans and Bro. E. L. Mission Band of Elizabethtown College render a program in the near future. – Mrs. J. A. Leer, Huntsdale Pa., Nov. 10 |