Hooversville Church (1922-)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 23, 1922 page 605 Vol. 71 No. 38 Maple Spring.—Sept, 2 we met in council, with Eld. N. H. Blough presiding. Because of the division of this and the Hooversville church, it was necessary lo change some of our committees. Sister Mary Thomas was elected on the Mission Board to fill a vacancy. Sister Jennie Thomas was elected clerk. Aug. 13 Brethren T. T. Myers and I. Harvey Brumbaugh, of Juniata College, were with us in a week-end Bible Institute. The meetings were very instructive and were well attended. Our first Sunday-school outing was held Aug. 26, in Stutzman's grove. It was well attended by the members and olhcrs. A program was rendered, and Brethren Paul Rummell and Galen Blough gave us splendid talks. Aug. 30 the Maple Spring and the Hooversville Aid Societies held a joint meeting at the home of Sister Annie Koontz. About sixty were present. Al noon we took our lunch out to the grove. In the afternoon there were talks by Brethren Byron Sell and Paul Rummell. and Sister J. S. Zimmerman, of Long Beach, Calif. A profitable day was spent which, we believe, will lead us on to greater service for the Master. Our series of meetings will begin Oct. 1, with Bro. Reuben Shroycr, evangelist. Our love feast will be held Oct. 15.—Mrs. Anna Rummell Kaufman, Maple Spring. Pa., Sept. 12.