Hollidaysburg Church (1909-)
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 16, 1909 page 669 Vol. 48 No. 42 Holllidaysburg. – Saturday afternoon, Aug. 28, Brethren J. B. Brumbaugh, G. S. Myers and I. B. Miller, who constitute of Mission Board of this district with the members of this place for the purpose of organizing a mission here.. Several from adjoining congregations were present, and assisted, among them being Brother and Sister James A. Sell and Bro. W. S. Long. This meeting was held in Stultz hall, which place has been rented for our services. Bro. Myers presided. Thirteen have enrolled. Brethren William Hoover and Matthew Sell were accepted as minister and deacon respectively. We believe that this work is only the beginning of good work. On the evening of Sept. 23 we met in council, with Bro. Wm. Hoover presiding. It was decided to organize a Christian Workers meeting, and we elected officers for the same, the average attendance of our Sunday-school, at present, is about seventy-five. It is our purpose to have a protracted meeting as soon as a minister can be secured. – Rosa Rice, 416 Spruce Street, Hollidaysburg, Pa., Sept. 28 |