Hanover Church (1902-)
The Gospel Messenger April 12, 1902 page 240 Vol. 40 No. 15 From Hanover, Pa. Hanover is a thriving town of about six thousand population, situated in Southern Pennsylvania, York County. about four years ago the Mission Board of Southern Pennsylvania opened up a mission here, by the aid of Sister Ella Raffensberger Webster, who was then active in mission work. A hall was rented and the people were invited to attend the preaching services, conducted usually by elders J. A. and O. V. Long until about two years ago, when there was erected a commodious house of worship. All efforts were made to organize, but there seemed to be a feeling against it and also against Sunday schools, hence could not be effected at the time. About ten months ago Eld. B. F. Masterson was stationed here by the Mission Board, who by cautiously and impartially discharging his ministerial duties succeeded in moulding sentiment in favor of Sunday school and an organization. Consequently an organization was effected March 9, with about forty members, and is called the Hanover church. We have an interesting Sunday school of about fifty-three, which was organized the first Sunday in July. For the lack of material, Bro. Masterson was obliged to superintend the school, teach the Bible class and also train some teachers, but since Bro. Webster and his wife, Ella, have returned into our midst, the school enjoys their assistance. April 3 we had our first quarterly council, which passed off pleasantly, Bro., Masterson presiding. He was appointed to represent us at District Meeting. Our love feast will occur on the second Sunday in June. Sunday school and preaching service in the forenoon and communion services at 4 P. M. the writer was appointed Messenger correspondent. Margaret Harlacher