Georges Creek (Fairview ) (1790-)
Christian family Campion 09-26-1865 p 302 Vol. I No. 38The Church at Georges Creek Pa. From a lengthy and minute history of the above congregation we condense the following: The Church is situated in the South West corner of Fayette Co., Pa., running form the foot of Laurel Hill to the Monongahela River, and even extends into Monongalia Co., W. Va. It is now about fourteen years since I became acquainted with this church and during this time it experienced many changes. Brethren Samuel Blocher, and Isaiah Custer, and James Quinter, all minister moved away, the former to Missouri, the other two to Ohio. Brother James Kelso was ordained to the Eldership. Brother Joseph J. Cover, and brother Oliver W. Miller, was elected to the Ministry. The latter moved west. Elder Kelso being feeble in health, and unable to oversee the Church, brother Jacob Mack, a deacon of the venerable A. Mack, was recently ordained to the Eldership, and brethren John Gan, and Jos. B. Moser elected to the Ministry, and some others to the Deaconship. Some have died and gone to their reward. This may be said of several of the aged ones, who we used to greet, and whose hospitality and brotherly kindness used enjoy. But not only they, but some of the lambs of the flock – yes some of those to whom we administered the uniting Ordinances, are also sleeping in the graveyard. I left my home in West Virginia in the Spring of 1864 and so parted also with the dear brethren of Georges Creek. On the 14th of October next they expect to hold a series of Meeting, at the Grove. They expect to protract the Meeting about 8 or 10 days. Brother Umstad of Pa., is expected there at the time, and may circumstance favor the presence of my unworthy self also. How this may be I am unable to say yet, but may the Lord bless the meeting with His presence, and continue the good work; and may the George’s Creek Church continue her useful mission on earth, and enjoy a bright field of glory in that Kingdom which cannot be moved, is my prayer. J. P. Brown. |