East Petersburg Church (1918-74)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 19, 1918 page 45 Vol. 67 No. 3 Mountville. – At a previous council, held at the Petersburg house, Dec. 12, the Montville congregation, which had a membership of nearly 400, decided to organize into two separate congregations. A committee of five was appointed to formulate lines and meet the church in a special council on New Year’s Day at the Mountville house. After considering the different lines, one was agreed on, and the congregation was divided. Elders Isaac W. Taylor, Harry B. Yoder and Nathan Fahnestock, were present, and the southern part of the congregation agreed to organize under the old name “Mountville,” but to have two churchhouses, - Mountville and Manor. Five of the former officers, three minister and two deacons, reside in the southern part, of Mountville congregation, and we decided to elect more officers. our former elder Bro. H. E. Light was chose to continue. We also held an election for minister and two deacons. In the election for a minister, two brethren were so nearly a tie that the church thought best to install both, namely Bro. Norman K. Musser, R. D. 2, Columbia, Pa., and Bro. Harry C. Neff, R. D. 1, Washington Boro, Pa. Brethren Harry C. Gerlach and Mablon Bushong were elected to the deacon’s office. The writer was chosen as “Messenger” correspondent. The northern part of the congregation will organize in the near future. An interesting program was rendered by the Missionary Committee at the Mountville house. Eld. George Weaver gave us a very interesting talk. He also preached for us on Sunday morning. Annie L. Neff, R. D. 1, Lancaster, Pa., Jan. 8
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 9, 1918 page 96 Vol. 67 No. 7 East Petersburg. – The northern part of the Old Mountville congregation met in special council for organization Jan. 26, in the presence of elders Isaac Taylor. H. B. Yoder and Nathan Fahnestock, as the committee. Our former elder. H. e. Light, was also present. The name decided upon was the East Petersburg congregation, consisting of three churchhouses, namely East Petersburg, Salunga and Neffsville, and a membership of 240 charter members. Bro. A. S. Hostetler was elected elder of the congregation, the germ to Jan.1, 1919. Bro. William Zobler, of Lancaster, was chosen church clerk; the writer as church correspondent for three years; Sister Ruth Hostetler, “Messenger” agent for five years. Our missionary committee are as follows; Sister Ella Heistand, for three years; Bro. Harry Graybill, two years; Bro. S. N. Root, one year. Bro. Jacob Musser, of Salunga, was chosen deacon, and he, with his wife, was duly installed. Three letters were received. – Phares J. Forney, East Petersburg, Pa., Jan. 28 |