Chiques Church (1868-)
The Gospel Messenger 01-08-1889 p 28 Vol. 27 No. 2 I left home Dec. 10 to attend the dedicatory services of the new meeting-house in Elizabethtown, Lancaster Co., PA. the name of this church is Chiques. It was organized in October, 1868, with about two hundred members and three minsters, viz.; Philip Zeigler, Jacob Reider and Samuel R. Zug. – the two former being now dead. Since its organization they have built three house, two 50x80 feet, and one 10x70, costing, in all, over $12,000. The membership now numbers over 500, presided over by Eli. S. R. Zug, assisted by Jacob L. Eshelman, Jones P. price and A. l. Eshelman in the ministry, and J. W. Gibble, S. Gibble, B. R. Zug, D. M. Eshelman, J. S. Gerlach and H. ‘s. Zug as deacons. The old house in Elizabeth was to small for the growing congregation, and the church decided to build a new one, which was consummate in the early winter, the new house is “beautiful for situation,” and is spacious, plain and substantial, - being constructed of the best material the walls are brick and the inside finished with yellow pine, oiled. I judge it to be the largest church in town, of which there are quite a number. Many members reside in town, and their influence, financially and spiritually, is felt. If they continue humble and prayerful, and work aa he demands of the town require, a glorious future is before them. It was estimate that fully 1500 people turned out at the dedication. The house was full it its utmost capacity, but all cold not be admitted, consequently one had to go away. Brethren H. light, Jonas Price, Wm. Hertzler and Crouthamel, and other churches,, were Present and took part in the service over Sunday. Bro. Light remained until Thursday, and preached in the day-time in the German language. I remained over Sunday. The attendance was good, - rather large throughout. There were about eight hundred or more at the last meeting previous arrangements called me way when the meeting should have been continued. There seemed to be much love and union among the brethren and sister, and my stay among the was pleasant. J. A. Sell. McKee’s Gap, Pa.
The Gospel Messenger May 10, 1902 page 300 Vol. 40 No. 19 Chiques. – April 19 the newly-made Districts met in a joint council at Chiques Hill to finish up business relative to the late division. Brethren B. Z. Eby, H. E. Light and J. H. Longenecker, adjoining elders, were present. After that work (which was speedily disposed of) was finished, we, as part of the old Chiques congregation, temporarily organized, adopting the mother name, Chiques, for our congregation. Our former elder; S. R. Zug, lives within our bounds, and no change was made as to the elder. Brethren H. S. Zug and D. M. Heistand were selected to represent us a Annual Meeting. April 13, 2e baptized six, several of the number being scholars of our Sunday school. We have a membership of 210. – John C. Zug, Mastersonville, Pa., April 12.
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 20, 1902 page 605 Vol. 40 No. 38
Chiques. – The council was held Sept. 8. The church had not been full organizes
since the old Chiques district was divided into four separate churches. Elders
present, J. H. Longanecker and the writer. The writer having been in charge of
the church prior to division, requested that this church have the same privilege
the other three had of choosing their own elder, and he, living in the district,
was continued in charge. It was decided to have an election for deacon, which
resulted in electing P. C. Geib, who was duly installed. B. R. Zug was elected
treasurer and P.
Fairview church, Nov. 6. And 7, commencing at 1 P. M., Fairview house. The
officers of Chiques church now are elder, the writer; minister second degree, H.
S. Zug; deacons, J. |