Allentown Church (1938-66)
Gospel Messenger July 2, 1939 page 29 Vol. 87 No. 27 Allentown.—About eighteen months ago a group of believers organized a non-sectarian mission which on April 10, 1938, was organized as the Allentown Church of the Brethren by the Mission Board, Brethren Rufus Bucher, Alvin Wenger, Joseph Cassel. The following were elected: Elder, Bro. Samuel G. Meyer; ministers, Brethren Clinton P. Hunsicker and Rufus A. Neimeyer; deacons, Brethren P. Wise, W. Oswald, C. Snowden and C. Shearer; Sunday-school superintendent, Bro. Clement Snowden; assistants, C. Shearer and P. Wise; treasurer, Jennie Yoder; clerk, Anna Snowden. The work has been progressing since the organization and the church plant is very inadequate as the Sunday school has increased threefold. The church attendance has also increased, making the space very limited. Plans are being laid for a new church house. A special building fund offering was lifted on June 5, amounting to $303 and subscriptions yet to be received. The group asks an interest in the prayers of the entire district that the work may go forward and that men and women may be won to the Lord Jesus Christ.—Lula L. Bleiler, Allentown, Pa., June 6. |