28th Street in Altoona (1919-)
The Gospel Messenger April 26, 1919 page 269 Vol. 68 No. 17 Altoona church met in council April 4, with our pastor, Bro. W. S. Long, presiding. Two letters were granted. We are glad to have our pastor and his wife back with us again, after a sojourn of several months in Florida. Brethren W. S. Long, A. E. Wilt and E. G. Eyer were elected delegates to the District Meeting, and our pastor was elected delegate to the Annual Conference. The reports of the various funds of the church treasury indicate that our people have responded nobly in the interest of the Lord's work. The mission, opened at Twenty-eighth Street some few years ago, having now grown strong enough to be self- supporting, has been granted the privilege of becoming a separate congregation. Bro, H, S. Replogle, of Windber, Pa., just closed a two weeks' revival meeting there, during which eighteen were added to the church. A love feast was held at the close of the meeting. Our love feast at the First Church will be held May 18, at 6:30 P. M.—Sadie L. Morse, Altoona, Pa., April 10.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 18, 1919 page 669 Vol. 68 No. 42 Altoona.—Having been formed into a separate organization, the Twenty-eighth Street church met in a special called business season, with our elder, Bro. D. B. Maddocks, presiding. An encouraging number of members were present and a very pleasant and profitable spirit was manifested. Plans for more efficient work were discussed. We decided to hold our communion service, on Sunday, Nov 2 at 6:30 P. M. Both services of the day, morning and evening, will be conducted by Eld. D. B. Maddocks.-Cyrus B. Replogle, Altoona, Pa., Oct. 2. |