Weston Church (1905-)
The Gospel Messenger April 22, 1905 p 245 Vol. 44 No. 16 Another Congregation In Oregon. March 18, by request of Eld. John Bonewitz, the writer met with a number of members at his residence in Weston, Oregon, for the purpose of organizing a church. When the hour for opening arrived it was found that seventeen members were present. After devotional exercises the question of organizing was taken up, and the result was a unanimous vote in favor of effecting an organization. Following the decision to organize, twenty letters of membership were read, and all present pledged their loyalty and support to the general Brotherhood and its usages. Bro. John Bonewitz was by vote place in charge of the flock, with Bro. C. W. Metz; a minister in the second degree, as his assistant, with the prospect of another one moving in soon. Bro. E. L. Withers, who is a member of the district mission board, will serve the new organization in the capacity of deacon. Bro. Miller, a student in the Normal at Weston, and formerly from Virginia, but recently from Weiser, Idaho, was chosen church clerk, and a brother whose name I do not recall was chosen as treasurer. Sister Florence Bonewitz will be known as Messenger correspondent. The new organization will be known as the Weston congregation, taking then name of the town. The meetings at present are held in the opera hall, but as soon as possible a lot will be secured and a church house erected. The wrier preached three times while there, and the indications are favorable for a rapid growth in number and in favor with the people. Weston is located on the O. R. & N. R. R. between Walla Walla and Pendleton and is surrounded by a rich farming community. D. B. Eby Sunnyside, Wash. |