Mabel Church

(Mohawk Valley)

(1911 - 51?)


The Missionary Visitor February 1906 page 85-6


  As far back as 1876, A. J. Philip and Maria Workman pioneered their way into the far west, finally resting in the beautiful and fertile valley of the Mohawk river.  Eleven long years slowly ebbed away before as many as three other members located in the same vicinity and then the congregation was organized.  M. M. Bashor was their first elder.  Their services were held in the schoolhouse.  Their souls had been yearning for the Bread of Life and no sooner did they organize than they at once celebrated a love feast on Oct. 1, 1877.  If the first members had to wait a long time for a church organization, they did not do so for a Sunday school, for in 1878 a school was organized, placing Bro. Philip Workman as superintendent.  They have been pulling along faithfully against many odds.  In 1895 they secured a new meetinghouse at an expense of $600.  Their present membership is twenty-three.  Philip Workman is now elder, and Jacob Miller and James Bricker are deacons.  One great difficulty is that about half of the congregation live so far from the churchhouse that they are not able to attend the meetings regularly.  There are plenty of people who are open to receive the Word, and other denominations are not strong.  This gives a very fair outlook for the future and it is hoped and believed that aggressive work will result in great good. 

Information sent in to the Missionary Visitor by Philp Workman



The Gospel Messenger July 20, 1918 page 460

Mabel Oregon

    July 7, one more was baptized making five since we came here.  During the nineteen weeks of grace among these lumber workers, there have been twenty-eight preaching services, one love feast, on lecture, eighteen Christian Worker services, eighteen studies of Romans, Thirty-three studies on the Holy Spirit, nineteen Sunday-school sessions, two lectures in Marcola, - in all 120 services.  We had fullness of joy nearly all the time.

  This church was organized July 27, 1887, by Brethren Philip workman and Jacob Bahr, and named the Mohawk Valley church.  The first love feast was held in Bro. A. J. Workman’s house Oct. 1, 1887, to which Brethren Samuel and David Barklow, of Myrtle Point, Oregon were invited.  Under the care of Eld. Philip Workman the work of the Lord prospered. - quite a number being received into fellowship by regeneration.  Wolves worked their way into the flock, however doing great injury.  The remains of Bro. Workman, Brother and Sister Bahr, and Sister Bricker lie in the Mabel cemetery.

  While unbelief, worldly ways and thoughtless actions are in evidence in the community, the influences of the Church of the Brethren are good.  Not a few of the people were, indeed very kind to us.  The Sunday-school, including the cradle roll and home department, numbers seventy-one.

  We next go to Newberg, then to Albany.  During September and October, we will be in Ashland, Oregon. - M.  M. Eshelman.