Oklahoma City Church



The Gospel Messenger Oct. 5, 1918 page 637 Vol. 67 No. 40

Oklahoma City. – The members here met at our home and with the assistance of Bro. Pitzer organized a church, to be known as the Oklahoma City church.  We selected Bro. J. R. Pitzer as our elder.  Sister Morris was selected to represent the Sunday-school at District Meeting, and the writer to represent the church.  The Sunday-school is doing very nicely, considering that we have moved about so much while building.  We have had thirteen sessions, with as average of about  twenty-two and an average offering of more than a dollar each Sunday.  The churchhouse is again under roof and nearing onward completion.  We hope to be ready for Sunday night services by Sept. 29. – J. H. Morris, Oklahoma City., Sept. 23.