North Star Church (1905-21?)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 23, 1905 page 604 Vol. 44 No. 38 North Star congregation was organized here in Grant county, Oklahoma, Last Spring, with eighteen members. We have now built a churchhouse, which was dedicated last Sunday. Protracted meeting are in progress. We have also organized a Brethren Sunday school, to begin with the next quarter. – S. F. Niswander, R. F. D. No. 7, Caldwell, Kans., Sept. 15.
The Gospel Messenger March 17, 1906 page 174 Vol. 45 No. 11 FROM NORTH STAR CONGREGATION, OKLA. I am no real estate man and have no land to sell, but I am wonderfully interested in this plant of God's planting which was organized April 12, 1905, with about a dozen faithful members. They had no place of worship except a rough country school house. They chose the writer as their elder for one year. As a band of Christ's children we set out to fight the enemy. We began to make preparations to build a churchhouse and by Sept. 10, 1905, we were ready to dedicate the building (size 32x40) and continued our meetings for four weeks with growing interest. Often we had from two hundred to three hundred persons present, and five hundred were present at the time of our love feast which was held at the close of the third week of meetings. During the fourth week of the meetings nine came forward and were received into the church by baptism. One was reclaimed, and now we number thirty, with four ministers and four deacons. We have regular preaching services at the church twice each Lord's Day. We have one Brethren's Sunday that is evergreen, and a lively Christian Workers' meeting. We have also arranged to have a local ministerial meeting quarterly. A local Sunday-school meeting is to be held at stated times, as the congregation may deem best. The first one is to be held May 6, 1906. We have no land speculation or boom in view, but we have a good country, good Sunday school and church privileges, good society, good markets, good climate, healthy location and numerous good chances for Brethren to get good homes at reasonable prices and terms. We shall be pleased to have those contemplating making a change in location to come and investigate for themselves. For full particulars address the writer with stamp. A. J. Smith. R. R. 7, Caldwell, Kans