Hoyle Church



The Gospel Messenger Sept. 25, 1894 page 605

The brethren and sisters of this vicinity met Aug. 18, for the purpose of organizing a church at this place, under the care of Eld. Joseph Click. We unanimously agreed to organize, and the work was effected with much joy to us, and we hope and trust it was, and ever shall be, to the honor and glory of our Heavenly Father. Eleven certificates of membership were read.  Of the number, there is one minister and two deans. Our minister, Bro. Wm. Smith, is aged and his health is much impaired, so we are much in need of a resident minister. We also organized a Brethren’s Sunday school to meet each Sunday, and a Bible meeting to meet each Thursday evening.  We were made to feel that the Spirit of the Lord accompanied the Word spoken; as during the meetings one was baptized and at the close four more made the good confession. Also one dear soul who had gone astray knocked for admittance and was gladly received into the fold.  We have great reason to believe that others are near the kingdom.    Emmanuel J. Smith.  Hoyle, Okla.