Guthrie Church



The Gospel Messenger Jan. 12, 1901 page 28 Vol. 39 No. 2

  Guthrie. Bro. A. J. Smith come to us Dec. 8.  He commenced on the evening of Dec. 9 and continued till Dec. 28, preaching twenty-three sermons.  He held one Sunday-school meeting, give two addresses to the Sunday schools, attended ten cottage social meetings and made some forty calls from house to house.  Five dedicated their lives to our blessed Redeemer. Two were baptized. Three that had wandered away turned back to the fold.  Dec. 28 Eld Jacob Appleman and Bro. Ananias Neher came to our assistance for the purpose of organizing a church in Guthrie. The organization being completed, Jacob Appleman was chosen as elder of our church.  We have secured a house for the time being and will have preaching the first and third Sunday of each month, and Sunday school and Bible reading every Sunday. Dec. 30 we reorganized our Sunday school with J. H. Neher as superintendent and J. S. Harton as assistant.   The attendance and interest were excellent during the meeting. This is known as the Guthrie Mission Church. – Hannah Neher, Dec. 31.



The Gospel Messenger Nov. 26, 1921 page 744

Guthrie. – Bro. Jos Sala, of Cushing Okla., and Bro. J. E. Small of Oklahoma City, met with us Nov. 11 in a special council and officiated in ordaining our pastor, Bro., Earl R. Myers, to the eldership. Bro. Ora Houston was chosen to the ministry. Bro. Wilmer Lehman and Virgil Niswander, having the same number of votes for deacon, the church decided to call them both. All were installed at the close of the meeting, expect Bro. Niswander who was not present at the council. – I. B. Niswander, Guthrie, Okla, Nov. 17.