Deep Fork Church (1895-1900)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 8, 1895 page 21 Vol. 33 No. 2 Ingram, Okla.—Bro. Appleman came to us Dec. 10 and preached six soul cheering sermons. He held forth the Word in its purity, and as a result, one soul was added to the fold. While Bro. Appleman was with us we organized our little church. We have at present twenty members. We named our church "Deep Fork church." Bro. Appleman was chosen as our minister. We elected two deacons. The lot fell on brethren W. P. Brouse and John A. Carpenter. We would be glad if some of our ministering brethren could locate with us, Bro. Burns, John Neher and Bro. Landis were with us during our meeting. Bro; Appleman expects to preach for us every first Sunday.—Eiffie C. Carpenter, Dec. 19.