Aylesworth Church



The Gospel Messenger Dec.21, 1912 page 820 Vol. 61 No. 51

Aylesworth —Dec. 5 we met at Bro. Brickey's home for the purpose of organizing the body of members into a church. The new organization will be known as the Aylesworth church. It is located in a new part of the State, where land is yet cheap, though. probably, as good as in any other part of the State. There are two ministers here already. Bro. Brickey was advanced to the second degree of the ministry. During his stay here Bro Pitzer preached two good and much appreciated sermons On account of ills work at home, he returned on Friday to Cordell, Okla. We continued the services over Sunday having a good attendance and Interested listeners. When contemplating a change of location, it will be to your advantage to visit this part of the South or to secure information regarding it.—James H. Morris, Cordell, Okla.. Dec. 9.